Learn More on How Climatrol, Inc.
is Handling the COVID-19 Crisis

April 4, 2020

At Climatrol, Inc. everyone’s safety is number 1! We strive to maintain a safe working environment for all our employees, business affiliates, and our customers. We want everyone going home in the same shape as they came to work. With that said, our world has been turned upside down with the COVID-19 widespread outbreak. In response to this global pandemic, Climatrol, Inc. has taken several actions and implemented numerous protocols for both our office and field installation and service diagnostic calls.

This notice provides an outline, detailing what we are doing and what we are asking our employees, customers, suppliers, and all we may come in contact with in the course of attempting to provide our services. These actions and protocols are in place to help us all stay safe and healthy, and to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions to enhance our preventative measures, please reach out to us so we can take all pre-cautions for all concerned.

We wish you all well, allowing us to restore taking for granted activities, and with God’s help, we will navigate to the light at the end of this unplanned, unexpected crisis.

On March 23rd, Gov. Justice issued (EO) Executive Order No. 9-20, commonly referred to as “Stay at Home Order.” Several surrounding states have ordered similar orders, and the list seeming is growing. Paragraph 3 of the EO states that “Essential Businesses and Operations, as described below, shall remain open, and individuals may leave their residence to provide any services or to perform any work necessary to offer, provision, supply, operate, maintain, and/or repair Essential Business and Operations.

The multiple reports we have reviewed reference CDC guidance. The CDC guidance identifies Low, Medium, High and very High levels of risk assessment. As of this writing, it is of our opinion that our services are the low to medium risk.

The OSHA website link provides for COVID-19 guidance and several resources such as Hazard Recognition and Standards. https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/covid-19/hazardrecognition.html and https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/covid-19/standard.html. In the OSHA COVID-19 publication under the heading, Identifying Potential Sources of Exposure, there were two links to OSHA standards, including those for personal protective equipment (PPE, 29 CFR 1910.132) and respiratory protection (29 CFR 1910.134), that require employers to access the hazards to which their employees may be exposed. https://www.osha.gov/laws/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.132 and https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.134

We are aware that some of our tasks may require two or more employees to work within the 6 feet of separation recommended by the CDC. As an employer, it is incumbent on the both the employer and employee to access the working conditions that may require additional PPE as recommended by CDC and OSHA. We are taking the measures for our employees and for project control of the work area.

We are aware that some of our tasks may require two or more employees to work within the 6 feet of separation recommended by the CDC. As an employer, it is incumbent on the both the employer and employee to access the working conditions that may require additional PPE as recommended by CDC and OSHA. We are taking the measures for our employees and for project control of the work area.

We will continue to work with our partners in making the work place as safe as possible. We will have regular safety meetings with our employees/ partners to review the work site and take measures to limit activities that may require multiple persons work in close proximity of one another.

What actions are we taking?

  • If you are sick, stay home or seek proper medical care
  • If you feel sick while at work, go home or seek proper medical care
  • Cough/sneeze into tissue, elbow, then dispose of tissue immediately in trash
  • Wash you hands often especially after coughing, sneezing, or touching items such as door knobs, toilet levers, refrigerator, microwave, tools, and the like
  • Hand sanitizers, hand soap have been added to each trunk, please use frequently
  • Discontinue shaking hands
  • Keep hands away from face, especially nose and mouth
  • Maintain a 6-foot separation rule. Please do your best to distance, isolate.
  • Minimize group meeting by increasing communication via emails, text, conference calls. No in person meeting should have more than 10 people
  • If traveling out of state, even on off work time, please let Climatrol, Inc. office know before showing up at office or work site.
  • If traveling to a high risk area, we may ask you to self-quarantine for 14 days.
  • Make sure each vehicle/office is stocked with cleaning, sanitizes, soap, water.
  • Bottled water should be kept on each company vehicle for washing hands
  • Sanitize at least twice a day: door handles, equipment controls, tools, etc.
  • Each employee is responsible to wipe down tools they are using with cleaners
  • Sanitize vehicle’s interior, handles, locks, wheel seats, etc. daily
  • Use gloves/plastic shopping bags at gas pump’s to fuel vehicles, keypads, ATM
  • Deliveries/Warehouses: Practice social distancing – 6 foot rule. If more than 10 persons, wait in vehicle until less than 10 people count reduces.
  • Please be responsible, don’t forget to check the CDC website for updates: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

We are asking all employees to self-govern and self-test. Personal responsibility is required and expected! It’s just being socially responsible to co-workers, customers, family, and yourself! So, follow the protocols as established by the CDC, OSHA, and all medical sources to help control this pandemic. We also are asking all employees to take temperature before coming to work. If temperature greater than 100, please stay home. Self-govern for other COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath).

Together, we can all get through these trying times.

God Bless,
Climatrol, Inc.

“No Equipment is Better Than the Installation and Service Behind It”
Serving Our Community – since 1969